Shamana Therapy

Rasayana Therapy

In today’s era Geriatrics have gothuge importance. Rasayana Treatment is none other than Geriatrics. Rasayana Therapy is also useful in immunity disorders (like Corona) and auto immune disorders. This therapy is one of the specialities of Shreyas Ayurved.
Vajikarana Therapy

By the means of Vajikaran Treatment Shreyas Ayurved hospital is becoming positive factor for many happy families.
Garbha Sanskar Therapy

It is important to understand the health of the parents is directly responsible for the health of a child. Not only their physical health but also their psychological and spiritual health affects the child in the womb. The surrounding environment, the food, the activities, positive or negative thinking, in fact, everything the mother is exposed to during the pregnancy directly affects the child. In the Scientific Garbhasanskar technique, we teach to correct all the related things in a positive manner to get the best results in a baby.
As per Ayurveda Fetus is formed by Six garbha bhavas ie. Matruj, Pitruj, Satvaj, Satmaj, Rasaj & Atmaj. Step wise development of fetus is achieved by Garbhavrudhikar Bhavas.
Scientific Garbhsanskar is based on traditional practices and prepared after much research, with the hope that children born with good health, intelligence, love & culture will ensure a bright future for our planet as they are the real property of any family, society & country. It is the best investment in the world, which give infinite times returns in our life.

आयुष्यं मंगलं पुण्यं वृष्यं वर्ण्यं ग्रहावहम्।
मासात्वरममेधावी व्याधिभिर्नच धृष्यते
षड्भिर्मासौः श्रुतधरः सुवर्णप्राशनात् भवेत्।।
– What is Suvarna Prashan?
The combination of Suvarna (Gold), Vach, Kushtha is given through gheevand honey to child through licking purpose.
– What is importance of Suvarna Prashan?
Acharya Kashyap says in Lehadhyay of Sutrasthan of Kashyap Samitha (Best Samitha of ayurved for Bala Chikitsa).
- The decision making capacity, memorizing capacity and logical thinking capacity of child will get increased.
- Increases the immunity.
- Makes the child resistant against breathing (respiratory) disorders and also from various allergies.
- Makes the hunger and digestive capacity better.
- Increases the capacity of senses (indriya) and also increases alertness and concentration.
- There will be a noticeable growth in child’s body and health step by step.
It would be more beneficial to do it on Pushya Nakshatra of every month.
Note: This procedure is free from side effects.
Kshara Karma

In this 21st Century life style is changed drastically, food habits are changed. People are breaking fast heavily by eating heavy food, dinner is becoming lunch, and lunch is becoming dinner. Daily works are completed in night and night works are going throughout the day, due to this hazardous lifestyle not only digestive system but also excretory system is hampered.
As a result of hampered excretory system people are facing problems like constipation, hard stools which are the most common causative factors for anorectal disorders. Piles, fissure and fistula are the common anorectal diseases. Burning and bleeding anus has become common burning health issue. In Ayurveda, for all these disorders, best remedies are coated. Among those Ayurvediya treatment Kshar Karma is the most suitable and best treatment on it.
Pancha Karma

The reason behind all diseases are :-
The food you don’t like, food taken at wrong time, in the wrong quantity.
Improper digestion and waste elimination mechanism.
Due to these two reasons, during digestion harmful metabolic wastes are generated and due to improper waste eliminating mechanism this waste is not thrown out of the body. As these metabolic waste saturate in body and cause impairment in the whole body. As a result different diseases like digestive problems, Piles, Hypertension, Diabetes, Thyroid, Harmonal abnormalities, Asthama, Auto immune disorders, neck – back diseases, Rheumatoid arthritis, Cancer, etc. will be caused. In these diseases temporary medicines are given to the patient. Till the active medicines are going on the patient will feel good but then the previous condition is gained by patient.
So it is mandatory to remove these ‘Doshas’ out of the body. This treatment is known as Shodhan Panchakarma and it is included under the Shodhan Chikitsa.
Panchakarma is inclusive of 5 Karmas done for purity of body,
Vaman | Virechan | Basti | Nasya | Rakta-Mokshan |
* Snehan – Swedan :- These two Karmas are Poorva Karmas of Panchakarma and not itself as included in Panchakarma. In this Snehan means Abhyanga (applying oil overall body and making it absorb slowly). Snehan doesn’t mean doing massage. Swedan means giving steam until the body starts sweating. These Purva Karmas are helpful in bringing doshas to abdomen (stomach) from minute to minute part of body.
- Vaman – The doshas which are saturated are brought to the stomach (abdomen) and then removed via mouth is called Vaman. Just vomiting after drinking salt-water is not Vaman it is stomach washing.
- Virechan – The doshas which are saturated in body are brought in abdomen (stomach) and then removed outside via anal opening by loose motions is called Virechan.
- Basti – The doshas which are saturated in body are brought in abdomen (stomach) and then medicated kadha, oils are introduced in body through anal opening (Enema), is called Basti.
- Nasya – The doshas which are saturated in body above neck are removed is called as Nasya.
- Rakta-Mokshan – The saturated doshas in body come into blood and this impure blood is removed through veins are through Jaluka (leech) is called as Rakta-Mokshan.